Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor
Moving bed bio film reactor (MBBR) incorporates benefits provided by both attached and suspended growth systems. It is an advanced high rate wastewater treatment technology with high treatment efficiency; low capital, operational, maintenance and replacement cost; single reliable and robust operation procedure. Moreover, this technology is applicable to wide range of wastewater flows ranging from 10,000 to 150,000 m3 day. The MBBR has proved to be effective in removing up to 90 % chemical oxygen demand and 95 % biochemical oxygen demand with nutrients from the effluent stream at optimum condition, provided there is sufficient retention time. It is a cost-effective way of upgrading existing wastewater treatment system as it is efficient, compact and easy to operate. This process can be provided for new sewage treatment works or for retrofitting existing wastewater treatment plants where a higher treated effluent standard is required without any running and capital cost. The performance of MBBR depends on the percent of media provided in the reactor, surface area of the bio carrier, dissolved oxygen and the organic loading.
Note: This is continuous process. To achieve latest norms COD-50mgs/lt & BOD-10mgs. You need to add supportive unit operation ultra filtration.

Sequencing Batch Reactor
Sequencing batch reactor (SBR) as compared to traditional or conventional treatments is an easily obtainable, on timescale, highly operational, flexible technology for newer and varied pollutants.
The SBR systems have many advantages such as lower operational cost, less bulking and higher flexibility to combine nitrification and de-nitrification phases into one reactor with good removal efficiency for nitrogen, phosphorus and chemical oxygen demand.
Sequence batch reactor (SBR) process can remove carbonaceous constituents (BOD5, COD and TSS) efficiently up to the level of 90% reported COD removal efficiency above 94-95% in SBR-based treatment system as the treatment system has ability to remove organic carbon and a better resistance against variable loadings, which suggests that reactor is able to guarantee process stability. Also reported removal efficiency of TSS and volatile suspended solids (VSS) by 70% and 80%, respectively.
Note: It’s a batch process. To achieve latest norms COD-50mgs/lt & BOD-10mgs. You need to add supportive unit operation ultra filtration.
Membrane Bio Reactor
MBR technology developed for sewage water and various other ETP’s. It works on principle of physically separation of physical waste, chemical treatment where ever necessary, biological digestion, followed by specially designed submerged hollow fiber membrane filtration. Hollow fiber membranes have pore size of 0.06 micron which ensures removal of pathogens and bacteria in treated water. BIO STP PLUS is a combination of tanks, blowers, membranes, pumps and other electrical equipment’s which makes itself unique in operation and having hassle free maintenance.
- Cost effective practical solutions.
- Treated water meet 2020 norms of pollution control board.
- Completely automatic plant, with plc based automation.
- Low foot print.
- Less maintenance.
- Lesser sludge generation.
- Water re-use for toilet flushing, Constructions, cooling tower, fish pond, horticulture & floor washing.
- Easy & faster installation